The First Steps.....

I am someone who loves to talking, by painting, by singing and by writing. I started maintaining a diary when I was 13 or 14 years old and that practice continues till today. I find it the best way of preserving the moments that otherwise might have passed unnoticed. I maintain a record of all the good and bad things and specially those which I never want to forget.....grudges, heartbreak, tears all become secondary when it comes to my view of maintaing a diary. I prefer to give priority to those moments when I laughed uncontrollably or when a close one did something so sweet and unexpected that it brought tears of joy to me or when some beautiful dialogues of a hot guy made me blush ! LOL. These things become memorable but with time our memory weakens and they tend to be lost forever. A diary is more of a memory back up for me. When I flip the pages of the old diaries, it surprises me how much my life has changed and it feels great to go through some of the best moments that I had forgotten until then !

I wasn't really inclined towards poetry very much. I always preferred fictional novels and stories. However when it comes to writing a poem myself, things are a bit different. It's like a blessed hour when out of the blues, I end up composing something that's beautiful at least to me. I was 16 when I first tried my hand at it. It just came out unexpectedly. My first poem was dedicated to my best friend who meant the world to me at that particular time. She still is an angel and always will be but that was an era when nothing meant to me more than or even close to her so when she was sad one day, I ended up writing this poem :


A girl who loves each and every soul
A girl who wants true friends and nothing more
A girl who is the heartthrob of mine
Whose tears make me feel like crying...
A girl who doesn't hate anyone
A girl who helps each and everyone
A girl who's not like the rest
She's indeed better than the best !

She taught me how to be happy
Even in moments that seem to haunt me
Her ambition is to bring a smile on each face
She's so much honest, a unique case !

She knows what's right or wrong
With all good qualities she's born
I think I'm the luckiest person
To have her as my friend and companion.
I thank her for all her kindness
May she always live in happiness
And this song I shall always sing
_________ You are my friend, my life, my everything.... !!!!!

The blank space contains her name which I don't want to disclose here.

I loved my first poem and couldn't believe at first that I had actually succeeded in writing it. Then I decided to try more as it became quite fascinating to me. 

I used to be a great horror freak then. Horror stories, novels, movies....anything and everything that gave me the chills was my favourite (now I hate them...I don't like being scared anymore). So my next poem was "I'm the Queen of Horrorland ". This was a very lengthy composition divided in two parts.

The great thing about poetry is once you start to like what you've been doing, you enjoy doing it more. I loved  finding rhyming words and framing them into sensible lines. It was like music. So I continued with that. Most of my poems were based on people I loved but then I realized it was getting very monotonous and I shifted to other themes as well. I'll post all the poems here one by one so that it doesn't get too lengthy (read

Hope to see you again over here
