You're A Disney Dream


Just like the swish of a wand
Meant for magic,
Just like impish transformations,
From bottlebrush to slender
And back again,
That tail tells what's on your mind.

Just like the jewels
From Arabian Nights
Sparkling, like stars on Earth
Like enchanted emeralds
From a forgotten lore
Those eyes reveal your intentions.

Just like the warmth
Of a fairy's protection,
Doused in exotic perfume.
Just like the residue
Of last night's spells,
That coat exudes romance abloom.

Just like the melody
Of an infant's tee-hee,
The heavenly notes reveal,
The magic of utmost perfection,
An irresistible hum,
Resonating mystery.

Just like the poise,
Of belles at a ball
Swirling in glittering glory,
Every trot, hop, rolls, or saunter,
Your gait entraps and entrances
Any warlock worth their salt

From a lullaby
To mischievous sorcery,
You embody it all!
Your ravishing allure
Only keeps growing
Whether you prowl, doze or fall.

Day by day, by the hour,
The fascination multiplies,
With charming wonders anew.
Who needs more fairy tales,
Magic or imagination,
When a Disney dream comes true?


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