Let’s Not Talk About Pictures Again

The day I imprinted on you, 

There were no clicks, no shutters, 

No flashes, no flutters

And yet the moment is frozen in time. 

Preserved forever, eternally alive. 

The day you admitted

That I was etched on to your soul. 

None framed that dazzling sight to behold.

And yet, the etching is made permanent. 

By you, over and over again. 

Where were the cameras?

When you vowed you can’t lose me?

I don’t remember seeing the paparazzi.

And yet, the painting lives on,

The shroud of conviction that I adorn. 

I can conjure you at the flick of my whim.

And you know my spectre arrives 

Every time you want me to materialize.

When the shining transcends space and time, 

Who needs pictures to see the sublime?

You can’t capture a surreal romance,

In polaroids and conventional lenses.

Photography fails, come to your senses!

We cast a spell. Witness the surreal frames.

And let’s not talk about pictures again. 
