I'm the Queen of Horrorland


I work at night, I sleep during day.
I sweep over oceans and Baey's Bay.
I haunt each and every life strand.
For I'm the queen of Horrorland.

I love all creatures of the dark.
They provide the basic spark
that ignites me from within
to commit the greatest of sins.
No one is able to withstand
For I'm the queen of Horrorland!

I love vampires, I love bats.
I'm a fan of snakes, I'm crazy about cats.
Werewolves are my friends, they set new trends.
I deal with mummies of Egyptian sand
For I'm the queen of Horrorland!

I spread terror, I create havoc
when some purity has emptied my stock
of evil, darkness or magic wand
For I'm the queen of Horrorland.

My friends are the most impish,
love and caring, all are rubbish.
I enjoy lending my penfor the Torture Band
For I'm the queen of Horrorland.

No one can kill me, no one can dare
because I've got a hellish stare
that makes the availability of happiness scant
For I'm the queen of Horrorland.

I hate each heart that beats,
that has love and not greed!
I enjoy 4th May, St.George's eve
when all evil spirits leave
to create such horror which even I can't
for I'm the queen of Horrorland.

My address is number 13, Fang Groom,
Near Pit of Horrors, in Garden of Doom!
I own a castle magnificently grand
For I'm the queen of Horrorland.

I'm powerless at daybreak, terrible at noon.
Night comes to me as a boon.
Frightening are my face and hands.
For I'm the queen of Horrorland.

Many think it's a figment of imagination.
Not at all true, of one's own creation.
People do not believe in me.
But do I really exist? You'll soon see.


One day a strange news was heard.
It wasn't an aeroplane, it wasn't a bird.
It was two children flying.
One was happy, one was crying.

People gasped in horror," It's coming true!"
"How come?","Who knows?"," Do you?"
It made small children scared and cry.
Name of the story was, 'How I Learnt to FLy'

Slowly and slowly the terror spread.
People were missing, people were dead.
Many more stories were coming to life.
Coming true were the most horrid sights.

No one knew what was the reason.
Fear was in the air, eerie was the season.
Frankenstein's monster, zombies, Medusa,
Hovering at night was Count Dracula!!!

Six months later, the dark clouds drifted.
The world was free, the terror had lifted.
Everywhere was a sigh of relief.
No more fear, no more grief.

It was indeed an occasion
of fun. romp and celebration.
And thus was held a grand ball
in the well maintained town hall.

Invited was each and every person,
President of each and every nation.
The party had just begun
when all heads slowly turned
to see a beauty so enticing
which was from the stairs rising.
A lovely girl clad in black
entered the ball and on a chair she sat.

Everybody was hypnotised.
No one could recognize
that their doom had just begun.
Nothing was right, not done.

When they knew it, it was too late!
They had already suffered a terrible fate.
Any guesses who was she at the dance?
Indeed it was me, the queen of Horrorland!!!
