Some latest poems


 I thought it was a dream but he assured me it was real
I didn't want to walk as I knew the cuts won't heal
But he held my hand and made me believe
That the road was of roses and my feet wouldn’t bleed

I still doubted but he smiled so warm
How could I think then that he would leave me alone?
I shook away my fears and stepped ahead
I expected a prick but it was satin that I felt!

I was surprised and laughed in awe
He laughed too and said, "I promised you so..."
I asked, “and what if we lose our way?"
He said, “I promise to be your guide...come what may!”

Hand in hand we started our journey
Long was the way but I wasn't weary!
Where we were going, I had no clue
But we were together and that's all I knew!

One day I asked, "what if the roses turn to thorns?"
He said, “I promise to walk, lifting you in my arms!”
"And what if we are separated in a crowd?"
"You'll find me back just say my name aloud!"

Time went by and our bond grew strong
When he was around, no worry lasted long
I started to ignore the fact known to all!
That after the spring comes the fall!

Situations sometimes make you bad
A minute thing can make you mad
I don’t say he was wrong nor do I blame me
I'm just saying seasons changed and so did we!

Now I stand alone on the dried petals
They're no thorns but they prick like metals
My feet are bleeding and so is my heart
But he had promised we would never fall apart!

I call out his name but there's no reply
There's no shoulder on which to cry
I'm lost; I don’t know which way to go
My guide is gone; there are only tears that flow.

He had promised to never leave my side
He had promised to hug me every time I cried
He had promised to love me always
But now he doesn't seem to remember those days!

He said he couldn't live without me
I was so sure we were meant to be
But I must accept the truth and move on
I must find my own way and walk this road alone.

"Time heals all wounds", I've heard them say
But some scars never fade away.
I know happiness would return and times will change
But I would never believe, in promises again..........

I'm Coming

I really don't know what's up with me. 
When I close my eyes, it's you I see !
In my dreams, in my wake
It's you who always takes a place
Confused and sad with my pathetic heart
I wish I was careful from the start!
Our love was strong and you cared so much!
I felt something deeper with each of your touch.

I never knew what was in your mind
But I loved you and I was blind!
I wonder how could you leave me 
if you felt the same?
If you wanted to play, 
there were so many better games !
Now I'm broken and you're gone
But I find it impossible to move on.

Every morning brings a new hope
Hope that you would come back
But with every sunset, it's dark again
as if the hope lost it's track
I see you laughing everyday,
enjoying with your friends
But the moment you see me around,
your laughter suddenly ends !

You turn your back at me 
as if I don't exist
It doesn't hurt you at all
and my eyes are again in mist!
Then you hold another girl
the way you used to hold me
I'm taken aback by your true colours
and it's taking away my sanity .

Then I see you walking together
and you let her drive your car !
You're sharing with her what you shared with me
and taking her to our favorite bar !
It's making me sick to watch it now.
My sadness is starting to change.
I suddenly feel it's not pain or love anymore
but it's a violent rage !

I can't let you do this again
I can't let you use her too
I know I was wrong to fall in love
so let's see what my hatred can do!
Tonight would be a deadly one
it's time for adieu
Somebody has to die to end it
If I fail, it will be me otherwise YOU !
