All the World's a Stage....

Everybody loves to be the centre of attention. It is natural human tendency to seek love, care or even materialistic charm. Who wouldn’t want to pretend as if they are the main protagonist of some amazing movie or novel? Let’s admit it! We all have, at some time or the other acted like our favorite fictional character whether in front of people or just to ourselves!

What we tend to overlook is ‘lives’! In our concentrated self centered world, we forget that there are numerous other lives entwined with our own; each one with a varying story, situation, trouble, essence….; each one with a different lead role, supporting cast, music…Every life is a movie, a daily soap or a novel. Sometimes we play the main part and at others, we are just sidelined to some unnecessary passer by!

But that doesn’t mean that we ourselves have got the rights to sideline anybody. In reality, there is no such term as ‘junior artist’. God is the creator and for Him, everybody is special, every story is a good story and every script is a success. He and He alone has the rights to choose the correct track for each being and anybody who thinks they are boss, are in the dark!

The only job assigned to us is to play our part right and the rest would fall in place. If we think that we are the only stars then that would mean, we consider others as the less important people. In other words, pride would lead us into humiliating others intentionally or unintentionally. That is the reason we are taught to be modest at all times because no matter whatever heights we reach, we are still playing some unimportant role in a movie! No matter how wonderful our show is, the curtains will drop at the final hour!
No matter how grand our present is, we all have to perish and be reduced to a lower level on the day when there would be nowhere to hide!

The secret behind true happiness lies in how we treat life. The world is good to those who themselves are good at heart. A pessimist would always find reasons to hate something or the other or to find flaws everywhere. I read it somewhere that life holds a lot of misunderstandings. "Who should be blamed when a leaf falls from a tree? Is it the wind that blew it away?Or the tree that let it go? Or was it the leaf itself that grew tired of holding on?" Every molecule is a world in itself. Every bit of the cosmos can drop hints as to how to solve a riddle. I believe in 'signs'. God always sends a clue about what He wants us to do. Unfortunately, there are a very few who learn how to identify those.
