Every life matters

It was a little special day. A friend wanted to give us a birthday treat during the college lunch time. The weather was pleasant so we all decided to walk a bit. Laughing, teasing, chatting and the usual stuff was going on while everybody strode carelessly. 

I have a habit of watching my steps while on the road. I do this mainly to avoid stepping onto something dirty. Suddenly my eyes fell on an ugly rat like creature. It was lying on the curb, wounded. I stopped abruptly. A closer look at it, sent shivers down my spine. It wasn't a rat. It was a newly born kitten! There were injuries on its stomach as well as its mouth. A crow or a dog must have dropped it. It was so tiny, so weak and so still that we all thought it was dead. I am deeply in love with cats. They are to me what babies are to their parents. I was stunned !
I took another step towards it and bent for a careful view. To my surprise, it moved its paw and opened its mouth as if to have water ! It was alive! I asked my friends if we could take it to a doctor. Most of them looked repulsed ! And others gave a very negative response saying there wasn't any vet available nearby. One of them picked it up in a bundle of newspapers and kept it at a safer height. I was being blinded by my tears. They explained that nothing could be done as it was too young to survive any stitches or medication. Everybody was so sure.... We left it there and walked away.

Something kept stirring inside me even after we had reached the food joint. I couldn't keep my mind off the little thing. I had seen it struggle for its life. It had tried to turn over...it had kept opening its mouth as if pleading for help.... How could I leave it to die when it wanted to live ? I had a strong feeling that I could save it...we all could save it !
Something very unusual happened then. There was no food available ! This was so strange! We all had to go back ! And this time I was determined to ignore everybody. Even if I couldn't save it, at least I could try ! We returned to that spot and I saw that the kitten's movements had increased and improved ! There was hope..... 

My friend took out more newspapers and we decided to carry it. I was sure that we would find a vet if we search properly. We were debating on it and then, another miracle ! A guy turned up from somewhere and he offered to help. He knew a good animal hospital and was himself a great lover of animals. He looked worried about the baby and said he would take it immediately in his car. I was so grateful ! 
He took the kitten in a bag carefully, drove at top speed and when a girl shouted at him, he shouted back "I have to save someone ! ".  My friend (another angel) accompanied him to the hospital and I kept praying.....
My phone rang after an hour. It was the same guy. I held my breath .....I didn't know what was coming..... I cursed myself  "Why didn't I do something earlier? ..... why did I go with my friends? so much time had been wasted......."...........I answered the call trying to push away any negative thoughts.

The kitten had survived !!!...... thanks to the Good Samaritan , thanks to my friend who went with him and above all, thanks to God.... I can't explain the peace I felt after getting the assurance that the baby was fine. I wanted to adopt it but I knew that presently, it was better to leave it in the hospital's custody where it'll be safe and comfortable.
We have plans to go and see our kitty after a week.....God bless her.

P.S.  I believe in signs and my belief was strengthened after this episode. No food at Fx ? Isn't that funny? God stopped us from eating because he wanted us to go and save a life!
And when we were confused regarding how to do it, he sent help too.... 


  1. lovely... great job u guys've done i must say.
    I've also experienced similar feelings. few months back a cat gave birth to its babies in our balcony. and recently a cat is staying in my house with its one black kitten for more than a month... bt the pain is dat der ws a black kitten as well and we dont see it any more...!! :(
    it has been more than 2 weeks now... God only knws wht happened & where it went...!!
    just praying 4 its well being...!!

    1. I understand how it must be for you since the kittens were born at your home. Chances are less that the missing kitten would've survived since it was so young. :( But wonders do happen.... may be somebody found it and adopted it....We can just pray and hope for the best.

      Regarding my experience, it was indeed a magical joy that I felt after knowing that the poor thing was alright!


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