An Apology

When you're sad, my soul bleeds more than yours
I cry more, whatever be the cause
Even in my dreams, I don't wanna see u in pain
But today, I ended up hurting you again.

I have been foolish all this while
I've been selfish all my life
I was ignorant, did all the bad things
But I wanna clear all the misunderstandings

You loved me, trusted me..more than I deserved
And I sat back enjoying being loved
I never realized that I took you for granted
But today, I know that you're all I ever wanted

Deep within, I always knew you're right
You became my speech,my music, my sight
I'm a better person only because of you
But I still have evils that I never knew

I've identified the flaws and will remove those
I'll delete every column, erase all the rows
Ill turn a new leaf and you'll have no complains
But I need your help to wash off the stains

There were times when you hurt me too
But more than anything, what mattered was you
I couldn't remain angry or mad for long
But today, you want me to be strong?

How can you let one mistake ruin all we had?
How can you forget all the good for my one bad?
I swear I'm not as awful as you think
But suddenly in your eyes, I rot, I stink....

You've given me so much, can I ask for one last favor?
Forget my negativity, and I won't ask for anything ever!
I assure you, this time I've changed from within.
I'll give the world my best, just come back...give me my everything!
