After I Learnt the Biggest Lesson of Life

How would you feel if one day everything just starts to slip away ? Your most precious belonging is escaping from you bit by bit and no matter what you do, it won't reverse its would you bear to lose something that was meant to be yours forever? 

Problems.....Every person in this wide world has them. They are like germs...present everywhere, waiting to attack. Nobody can be immune to the effects and side effects of these. Fortunately, we have been blessed with an inner strength to bear all extremities. But what if one day, that very strength decides to leave you? How would you fight ? How would you survive?.....In fact, COULD you survive?

Life is a strange thing. We are born with our own distinct characteristics. We spend years and years happily despite all the ups and downs until one blessed day ! A bunch of very special people enter your otherwise monotonous schedule. They are like some unnecessary addition to a narrative. They are easy at first. You talk together, laugh, fool each other. Before you know it, you start liking them. This liking grows at an accelerated rate as you spend more time..... talking: the topics change, laughing: the comfort improves, fooling around: you don't seem to mind even those pranks that are directed at you, helping: you actually start to care about little needs of each other. 

Then enters the first major part : trust. You share secrets, start being your real self. All the masks and veils are removed. What sprouts now is sheer love, belief and care. You start feeling happy in their happiness, sad when they cry. They are a shoulder to lean on, you can't leave each other even if you try. It becomes an addiction. You realize you can't live without them and they feel the same way for you. It's a mutual consent to be together till eternity.

You didn't notice how your life changed so drastically. You actually start living for those special people now called "friends". Everything is just perfect. You're sure nothing can separate you. They become your biggest strength.Then another decisive day arrives which you never dreamt of! Misunderstandings, arguments..someone has to get hurt.....tears...Then, apologies......forgiveness and all is well again. It happens many times and only adds spice to the perfect concoction of  faith and love in your bond. All differences are sorted out.  But how long lived is this perfection?

"To err is human".....How true the old proverbs are! Some mistakes are not that easy to forgive. Unfortunately, everyone can't have that big a heart. If you keep striking at the same point, it only weakens it. In other words, a serious mistake can sometimes make things turn sour.

"How would you feel if one day everything just starts to slip away ? Your most precious belonging is escaping from you bit by bit and no matter what you do, it won't reverse its would you bear to lose something that was meant to be yours forever?" As you stand helplessly watching them go, after trying everything possible...... there's just one thought in your mind "If only I could get another chance.....I would be a better person ! If only I could get them back.......If only this...If only that....If only !"
But it's too've learnt the biggest lesson. You're sure you've lost them. But you promise yourself that you would be what they always wanted....."A good human being!" .... and you start changing and you feel good about feel happy! Still there's one wish that they could see you this way...they would be so proud of you.

God is the closest to us. True prayers are always answered. Just when you thought that everything was over, He gives you a surprise. All your best friends come back without you trying anymore! That feeling can't be described. All you know is, you would not waste this second chance which is not easy to get. In that moment you know you would do anything, be anything to keep this love safe till the end of time!

True friendship isn't found over the counter. I have felt that we don't make friends, we "earn" them! Never take them for granted. The above story can be anybody's...even yours. But life does not always give second chances. It is better to know the worth of your loved ones before its too late. Don't wait for them to leave you to learn what they want from you, don't let ego make a home in your heart, throw away any hesitation that might come in way of your care for them...if you love them, show it to them in every way possible. If you fight, don't forget that your friends are more important than winning or losing an argument. As is said, "If you are right, you don't need to be angry. If you are wrong, you don't have the right to be angry !"

This piece is dedicated to all my best friends who are the second most important part of my life (after my family) . I love you all and I am very very thankful to have you. Thanks for everything!

