I love you Allah

I close my eyes
I feel you around me
I feel protected when I say your name
I thank you for all you have given
I am fearless, I am happy
Without you, I wouldn't be the same

I breathe, I heal, I learn, I feel
Thank you for all this and more
I love you Allah, forgive my sins
My heart weeps and my eyes are sore...

I know your words are right
We all should listen to you
But I am not strong enough, I can't be that good
Even if I want to!

Guide me on the right track
Like you have always done
I am nothing without your love
Only you can make me a better person.

Help me fight evil
Help me follow your word
Make me a true believer
Give me wings to fly like a bird

I love you Allah
Help me prove it
Make me do good deeds.
Heal my soul
Like you heal my heart
Everytime it bleeds

I pray for all
Bless us all
Please forgive our wrongs
Make us worthy
of your mercy
Give music to our songs.

Make me pass your tests
O Allah! Make me do it right!
Make me strong and brave
Make me struggle with all my might.

Don't let me sin anymore.
Don't leave me alone my Lord!
My heart weeps, my eyes are sore.
I love you Allah, the one true God!

Allah hu Akbar
(God is the most great)
