Moving on....

You were mine, I was yours,
that's how it was!
Talking to you, you to me
There was no need to pause
When we were together, all fell in place
All shadows fled the second I saw your face
I thought it was love, I was wrong,
It was a special bond
Meant for you, meant for me,
that's how it was

Then he came, swept me off
I never thought it real
But when the wind blew today
It was him I could feel!
Not you, not your voice...
But his whisper rang in my ears!
I was strange to myself
I had new doubts, new fears...
I felt guilty, felt confused
For a while, drowned in senseless tears!

Next day, the sun shone
I could look into the eyes of my own
I had been thinking in my sleep
I smiled, knowing I wasn't alone
The answers were there... right before me
You were my friend, my love is he!
I knew that it wasn't too late
He and me were brought together by fate

Just then someone knocked the door,
I opened it and it was him!
He was holding a ring in his hand
but I wasn't too sure, the lights were dim
He stepped in, went on his knees
and hummed my favorite tune
I was surprised obviously,
In that moment my soul was on the moon!
For a moment I thought of you...
But knew you'd be happy too
I said yes.... and realized
that this man made me believe... love can actually be true!
