An open letter to my best friend


I know this comes to you as an impulsive emotion overload but this is the best way I could think of to say what I have been wanting to since months. So here it goes.

It’s been a while since I actually gave a thought to our journey, the way it started and the turns it took. I wish to be completely honest with you, I had blocked out a part of my memory to stop it from overwhelming me because I knew I had to be strong and get into the habit of not seeing you everyday! But now, when I am at a crucial stage in my life, I miss it. I miss us. I miss the entire “depth of serenity”, if you know what I mean!

When I first saw you I never could have imagined how close we would get. We were so different from each other. Me, broody and cocooned in a world of my own and you, spreading smiles all around. But I guess that’s how it works. Opposites attract. We have had our moments of fear, argument, rage, drama and what not. Everything is fading with time but what remains intact is the memory of our walks on the school lawns, funny discussions, sharing secrets, the spirit of our friendship, the songs, the letters, moments with Jerry and the fact that we will always have each other. You are the one person I have never stopped trusting blindly even once in all these years. You’ve been a sister, a caregiver, counselor, legal advisor, motivator, supporter, critic, guide…..showing me the difference between right and wrong and throwing the bitter facts to my face every time I refused to accept them. Not many people can do that.

I have taken you for granted but you never complained! It’s like family! I just want you to know how much I love you and will do, always. I just wish we could be back in school and relive all those moments even if it means doing math and science all over again!
People come and go. I have opened and closed endless chapters in my life. Someone told me that we change our friends every seven years. My reaction? Duh! Look at us and you will change your mind. I am happy that I could do a lot of things that I had dreamt of. Over the years that we spent completing higher studies, we started to get caught up in busy schedules. I know that’s a lame thing to say because we will always be busy in something or the other, if not college anymore, then work and career but when we are not in school, we do have hindrances in keeping in touch that often. Today, I promise to work on those hindrances and as a new year’s resolution, I will try to compensate on the times I may have sidelined you. I am not very good at striking a balance between the different worlds of mine but now I feel it is very important to learn to do that. 
Here’s to our bond! I promise no more periods of disappearances. No more secrets. It will be the way it was. Always and forever!

Yours (in this world and beyond)

P.S. Thank you for accepting me for who I was, who I became and who I am. There are rarely..believe me truly rarely …that people have that kind of tolerance towards mercurial personalities! And then there are those who just cannot accept that introvert people do exist! They try to change you, force you to talk and make you take up tasks that you would hate. But you never did any of that. You took me…all of me…the way I was, with all my traits intact! With you, I never needed to pretend or try to be someone I am not. Just being with you made me..ME! And still does. I love you!
