The Girl on the Street 1

Another tiring day.  A few scoffs and jeers, a little income and the same old feeling of despair. Lying on her makeshift bed of rags, the girl continued to wonder if things would ever change. 

It had been the usual routine. She woke up, went to the closest market place and started to use her usual tactics of irritating begging rants so that the passersby would drop a penny or two in her little bowl. She was also used to being turned down but something had hurt her that day. It wasn’t the way some people pitied her, laughed at her or mocked her. It was more than all of that combined. 

For the first time ever, a lady had shown affection towards her. The lay had not given any look of disgust or any money for that matter. She had simply patted her head and lectured her sweetly. She stood there, listening to the words that were meant to inspire her but they did the opposite.  As the lady told her about how there were better things and work to do than begging, the girl couldn’t help feeling more pathetic about herself. She had always believed that she was born as a beggar, meant to remain a beggar. No one had ever hinted at anything even remotely close to something better. But this lady, she had introduced a new possibility. Sadly, the girl knew that it would remain just that-a possibility! 

Though she wondered if things would ever change, she didn’t seem to find a ray of hope. The sun rose the next day and as usual, she was back to the street, using her tactics of expert begging rants to force the passersby into feeling pity, irritation or both and into giving her money…
