My Little Girl

That deep stare into my eyes.
As if you are reading my mind.
Then that slow blink.
Confirms how much you love me.

In times of sorrow, you curl up beside me.
In times of pain, you heal.
In times of happiness, you’re there to celebrate.
And when we are alone, you know just the way I feel.

You put me to sleep with that magical lullaby.
The rhythm of which is a mystery.
So much seems untold between us.
Yet so much is spoken free.

You know I’m back way before I reach the door.
The way you welcome me
Is the most precious

You’ve made me what I am today
You’ve made me your own
You’ve been there when I have guests
You’ve been there when I’m all alone.

You give me purpose to live on
You complete me like no one could
You’ve been the love that shouldn’t be
You’ve been the love that should.

I know you’re the most precious gift
One I would always protect
Because, now I know, this for sure
We’re so entwined in life, we’ll be so in death.
