The last chat: A short tale of mystery

She knew what the right thing to do was. She knew she needed to sleep and put down that phone. She knew that she needed to block out the curiosity that was pushing her to go ahead with the dare. She knew she had to avoid the dark parts that she had left behind years ago. But then, there is a difference between knowing what the right thing to do is and actually doing it. 

Sometimes, the wrong wins. Whether it is the scientific explanation of the natural human tendency or whether it is the belief in the supernatural, the bad tends to be more powerful if the good is not fed well. And the nourishment for her good was stripped away the moment she started chatting with him. 

“Just do this experiment once. For fun. Wait until midnight when the start and the end of a day get all mixed up. Stand before a mirror in dim light and smirk at yourself. You would become someone else,” He typed it out, inspired by the voices he had heard in his dream. First she laughed but sensing his seriousness, told him to take a beat. There was no way she was doing such a stupid thing. He did not insist. He had planted the seed of curiosity and his job was done. She rolled over, turned her phone off and slept. Strange enough, her sleep was disturbed around midnight. 

Yes, she gave in to temptation. What could happen? It is silly to even believe in such experiments. Or so she thought. Interestingly, she owned no mirror except for the little one that was gifted to her by the same friend who suggested the very experiment. 

The girl was never seen again. She could have been right there, as someone else though. Whatever might have happened, no one ever got to know. 
