
It sneaks up on you when you expect it the least
Like in the dark, lurks an unwelcome beast.

It comes uninvited and refuses to leave.
Makes you fight yourself as you refuse to believe.

That it is happening again, the flicker of magic.
The one that consumes you, defying all logic.

You don't want to embrace it
Not yet, and it clings.
You're afraid of what follows
Because it burns and it stings!

You're afraid it would drag you
away from joy.
You want it to leave,
Wish the failure of its ploy.

And then it strikes,
what if its true?
What if this time he feels it too?

What if this time, it helps you fly high and above?
Because that is what should happen
When you're falling in love!


  1. I was amazed to find, you wrote about love :)

  2. This poem is so raw and beautiful, its like you have carved your existence in it. Great work 👍


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