They ask me, what have you done in life...

I'm​ having fun without getting high.
I'm partying without drinking.
I've made friends without talking.
And been a parent without giving birth.

I paint for myself, I don't always broadcast.
I've always felt and believed in a love that would last.
I've admired beauty my own way.
I've eaten and cooked cray cray.

I've refused to depend on anyone.
I've strived to build my own strength.
I've set my own standards that I refuse to bring down.
When I've not liked a thing, I've left the town!

I've learned the meaning of home.
I've honed the ability to remember.
The moments when people have been their best
And to whom I should be thankful forever.

I've stood by my faith despite every test.
I've felt the divine in mere words and in cryptic rhyme.
I've been proud of my values and convinced of logic.
Because it's ok to avoid hallucination and yet, believe in magic.

I've been no stranger to hostility and crime.
But I've managed to move on with time.
I've refused to be dictated by the norms of your society.
And yet, in your midst, I've thrived!

So, yes may be I've not done what you've done in life.
But then, your personality is different from mine.
So, yes, my idea of fun differs from that of yours.
But I've also loved without making love.

And I've kissed the kiss of my dreams,
On a full moon night.
So, yes, I've lived a lot of my reverie.
And all of this is a glimpse into what I've done in life. ..


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