
No promises, no false hopes
Just pure honesty
And yet, it hurts just like before, even worse
If that were even possible

Searching for love, is vain they say
Love has to be nurtured, in your own way
But what if I can't find the very seed
That can grow into the fruitful tree, that they
Talk about all the time?
Feels like I wasn't yours even though you were mine!

The wrong fit from the word go
How did we even manage to come this far?
Though in my heart of hearts, I knew it wouldn't last
And yet, I still yearn for it otherwise.

Sometimes, the only thing that gave you pain
Is what can bring you back to life
But this isn't a ritual
This isn't the ju-ju that defies logic!
This is life, but is it real?
Did everything go in vain? Everything that I still feel?

My brain says run away girl!
And yes, I am on it!
But the fact that our days are numbered,
Every time, it is a hard hit

A week or two gone
I should be feeling better.
The very idea to not see you every day should give relief.
But on the contrary, it fills me with pain
Because now I know goodbye has a date!
It might be early but no, it won't be late!
