Because Cats Are Disloyal, Selfish and Unloving.

Claws that can rip you apart,
Fangs that can draw blood,
Somehow get sheathed and gentle
When a cat plays with her human.

Nature's little killing machine,
Turns childlike and vulnerable.
The natural predator's instincts are kept aside,
When she's "lovebiting" her human.
Certainly, that's not loyalty!

Designed to hunt, kill and eat,
She starts bringing her prey to her human.
Created as a wild beast not meant to share,
She breaks all rules and makes the exception.
Certainly, that's not selfless!

Born as an overprotective mother,
Who wouldn't let anyone touch her kittens,
A cat proudly shows them off,
Allowing her human to pick up those little ones.
Certainly, that's not trust!

Conditioned to guard her belly,
To keep her vitals safe,
A cat exposes it all to her human,
Allowing a rub, a kiss and even a tickle.
Certainly, that's not love!

You call them aloof?
After leaving home multiple times,
She keeps coming back to her human.
Instead of grand cushions,
She chooses to sleep in the human's lap.
Even in a vast palace, she remains stuck,
Following the human like a shadow.
Certainly, that's not attachment!

If you haven't loved or lived with a cat, keep your opinions to yourself. :)
