The Cookie Tin

When little things are scattered here and there, I grab an empty cookie tin and toss them in it so that they are safe and my home is free of clutter. This section is something similar to that. Dedicated to random thoughts and one liners that keep coming to my mind, The Cookie Tin is a storage for small sets of words!

No matter how wounded you are, there is a way to survive. Channelize all that pain into something stronger: rage. The latter can be more constructive and less damaging to your weaker self. 

Height of loneliness: 
When you turn on a movie just to be surrounded by voices that create an illusion of company!

In my entire life, I have seen idiots of all sorts. Unfortunately I seem to love the biggest ones. ;P
No matter what we face, how much we fight, it is like a family bound to be together forever. Every time anyone feels it’s over, the relations get renewed sometimes fast sometimes months later. It is frustrating….in a good way. I love my friends! SIGH ! :P

When people betray, God shows you the way!

Sometimes what separates people is not misunderstanding. ...but complete understanding! Distance is not necessarily bad...It can be a necessity too... for a greater good.....

If there's one thing that scares me more than monsoon ..... it's nostalgia!

Logically, the unexpected should hurt...then why is it painful to watch the expected happen ? 

Sometimes distractions are not just good. ...They actually become a necessity!

Blocking up a part of mind ....doesn't seem possible. Quite rightly. You "think" you succeeded in blocking it up but just out of the blue....after a couple of years, months or even decades, a little catalyst forces it open again. 
What could be this catalyst? Absolutely anything...a picture, a fragrance, a song.... a article... the list is endless. Just like the endless complexities of the human mind. 
If only there was some technology that could help in erasing selective memory ..

You know you have grown up when you finally understand the difference between giving up and letting go....

A true story of life: 
Was quietly shelled in a tortoise harbour. moved into safe waters and floated with tiny fish on a shallow pond surface. everything seemed so beautiful! Felt confident enough to learn swimming. But instead of practicing in the same pond, jumped into a dark sea, surrounded by pretty looking jellyfish. later realized how lethal those were! was attacked by sharks too. horribly wounded and bleeding...swam ...and managed to reach the shore.
In the process, got washed way too far from that old protected zone. Now impossible to go back...just waiting for the blood to clot and the wounds to heal. Clinging on to the rays of the sun... too afraid to even contemplate what will happen at dusk.... !!!

The amazing freshness of a midnight only possible in this weather!
Ohh I just LOVE summers ! 

Ameen Damula
Aayam Agoul
Nefir Hasinuf.......

As much as I love these names and Disney's Aladdin, it's more fascinating to know now, after all these years, that they all are a play of words! Puns intended to appear as Arab names but matching the very nature of the respective characters!

'I'm in the Moolah'
' I am a ghoul'
'Never has enough' !

Awesome Disney! :D

The best way to make someone really strong:
Keep hurting them over and over regarding one same thing. You'd think it's weakening them but the fact is...when the wound is too deep and u still dont stop your obnoxious attacks, one stage arrives when it doesnt hurt anymore because all that remains is 'getting used to'. and more important, 'bitterness'. 
And bitterness with a tolerance for hatred is a deadly mix. The strongest weapon !!! EVER!

What do we mean when we claim to be missing someone? Is it the presence of the person that we miss? Is it the glorious time spent with that person? Is it the goodness...the happiness (or sadness !)? or is it the person themself ? 
Sometimes it becomes necessary to know the difference !

Suffocation..... an unending cycle of wishing, hoping, losing, crying.....smiling.....
sometimes some things never stop haunting you....

Liars are amusing to me! I love the way they go on and on with their blabbering for years and I sit back listening, pretending to believe each word. I also love the way I can secretly smile to myself knowing what they try to hide and then getting a confirmation too! But there's one thing I wonder, why is the truth so scary to them?

There is no smoke without a fire. Every tale of fantasy does have an element of reality. just that the history and evidence get lost in the waves of time....

The long walks on the roads.....
Running together to catch a bus urgently....
fighting like animals.....
crying on each others' shoulders.....
sharing food......and notes...
cold wars....... endless talks....
sleepovers.... trips and tours.....
jokes and laughter...... celebrations together....
Missing all of it! With you by my side, everything falls in place perfectly..... Proud of what's there between the three of us! We are blessed! love you to the core....... we'l be together soon....I promise

SCAMPER: A kitten: 
Substitute : A baby!
Combine: with cat toys- a playful baby ! 
Alter: the sound- a happy baby!
Modify: the size- a grown up baby !
Put to other use: sing it a lullaby instead of leaving it on its own- a sleeping baby! 
Eliminate: the sweetness- an extremely naughty baby!
Rearrange/ Reverse: a baby- substitute- a kitten !

Yeah! They are just too adorable!

Growing up is the worst thing that can happen to an individual ! Childhood is a blessing...

Coconut water, sugar palms, water apples....everyday! 
Full on entertainment everywhere, fun and health, all together!
That's what I call tropical magic !

Suddenly missing those days when on a cool rainy afternoon, I used to lay back on my heavenly cold couch with a cup of hot milk, reading some beautiful novel...... It's surprising to remember that once I used to love the rain, once I used to have time.......once I used to be tension free because once I use to be...just me !

Charming cruises, exotic seafood, sea shells on the beach, water sports, adventure, walking on the sand, getting really tanned ! .... shopping, hopping, fun, drama..... ! Goa is the place to live all your dreams ! 

Great personality, impressive mannerisms and charming wit and humour wont make u a gentleman ! Just one cheap word brings u down to the level of a streetrat n reflects your true class !!!

God is guiding us always. Keep your eyes open to pick up His hints !

I hate ketchup on my burger ! I eat momos without the sauce ! N I eat guavas only if they r ripe, yellow n soft ! ......Most important, I melt my ice cream before eating....:-D..............I don't think there's anything weird about all this !

When love comes knocking at your door, be sensible enough to build an iron wall, block the way n hide yourself saying ," Im not at home "............It's a powerul demon...dont make the mistake of letting it in !

At least in my thoughts, we are together.........
At least in my dreams, we laugh and chat like always......
At least in my memories, nothing can come between us.......
At least somewhere, love still breathes !

When your friendship breaks,it hurts.
Whn your friendship breaks n u know there's no hope left, it hurts evn more!
Whn your reunited frndship breaks n again there's no hope,it kills u!
Whn your re reunited frndship breaks forever,surprisingly u dont care cz u r already killed n now so habitual of pain dat u decide to move on widout trying anymore! U r strong n sure " We were never meant to be together...!!!"

life is so unpredictable.....
tears r d best balm for evry, hate, anger,frustration,confusion, disappointment, shock...I luv d way dey can leave me by flowing out of my eyes........
