Mirror! Mirror! On the Wall...

Mirror! Mirror! On the wAll.
What is the most beautiful of all?
Is it the oceans or is it the seas?
Is it the stars or is it the trees?
God has given us everything in plenty
But we wander around searching for beauty!

The fruits and the flowers,
The fragrant monsoon showers,
Our mother's touch on our brow,
The only word is, "Wow!"

Books and authors,
A stage and actors,
Songs and singers,
Bongs and fish fingers!
The world's seven wonders,
all make me ponder,
"Which one is the most beautiful?"
What happened my mirror?
You look doubtful!

Is it a particular country or it's citizens?
Or is it the weather and changing seasons?
Is it a father's love and care?
Or is it a table and a chair?
Is it selfless love?
Or the lines written above?
What's the most beautiful my mirror?
You look confused but I've got the answer!

There's something sweeter than honey.
It is, in fact, cuter than a bunny!
It is the greatest source of joy and this world's essence.
Where else can you find such purity and innocence?
Now, stop wondering.The search is over!
The most beautiful thing in this world is a baby's laughter!!!
